Teach to reason
Disciple to love
Main Campus
(405) 329-2500
3002 Broce Dr., Norman, OK 73072
Activity Center - Sports Complex
5300 North Interstate Drive
2 miles North of the Main Campus


All Community Christian School facilities have modern security and fire safety systems, as well as the Blue Point Alert System, which immediately alerts law enforcement in case of an active shooter event.

CCS Elementary Building

The CCS Elementary and Middle School is located off of
Interstate Drive at 3002 Broce Drive, Norman, OK 73072.

CCS High School East Entrance

The CCS High School is located west of the Elementary
Building at 3106 Broce Drive, Norman, OK 73072.

CCS Activity Center

The CCS Activity Center Gym, football field,
softball field, and Chas Harding Memorial Baseball Field
is located two miles north of the main campus
on the west side of I-35 between Indian Hills Road
and Tecumseh Road.
CCS Activity Center address:
5300 N. Interstate Dr., Norman, OK 73072
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