Teach to reason
Disciple to love
Main Campus
(405) 329-2500
3002 Broce Dr., Norman, OK 73072
Activity Center - Sports Complex
5300 North Interstate Drive
2 miles North of the Main Campus

Middle School

All 6th-7th grade academic classes are conducted in the elementary building. Most 8th grade academic classes are conducted in the High School building.

6th Grade Bible - Instructors:  Mrs. S. Hodges, Mrs. Ruppel, Mrs. Thrailkill - Sixth grade students study a comprehensive curriculum covering Genesis through Revelation.  Each week students memorize scripture related to the lessons they are covering in class, learn a hymn, study the Heroes of Faith, and connect Bible events with historical events.  (BJU Press/Bible Truths)

7th Grade Bible - Instructor: Coach Hodge, Mrs. Neighbors, Mr. Sharp - Seventh grade students study Bible Truths for Christian Schools, Bob Jones University Press.  This incremental Bible program takes students on a journey through the stories of the Old and New Testaments. Using a variety of Bible study methods, including survey, in-depth analysis, topical studies, and historical backgrounds, these studies will allow students to recognize major Biblical themes, memorize key verses, understand Creation, Fall, Redemption, and to apply Biblical truth to daily disciplines, and cultural domains.  In 7th grade, students will complete a study of Christ's life, including events and topical studies of the Lord's teaching, with an in-depth look at the Sermon on the Mount.

8th Grade Bible - Instructors:  Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Lawler, Mrs. Garmon - Eighth grade students in Bible class journey through the story of the Old Testament, with emphasis on seeing a messianic thread throughout.  Special studies in Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are also included. The curriculum used for 8th grade Bible class is Bible Truths for Christian Schools, Bob Jones University Press.

6th Grade Language - Instructor:  Mrs. Ruppel - This class studies Shurley English which uses jingles and classification of sentences as primary teaching tools for grammar along with writing skills.

7th Grade English - Instructor:  Mrs. Neighbors - 7th grade students study Literature (Mosdos Press/Jade), Language (Shurley English), Vocabulary, Spelling, and Writing.  7th Grade English emphasizes analysis of plot and character development in literature, paragraph writing styles, and essay writing.  7th English students also begin to evaluate theme and point of view in a novel selection, and well as poetry.

8th Grade English - Instructor: Mrs. Chambers - 8th grade students study Literature (Mosdos Press/Gold), Language (Shurley English), Vocabulary, Spelling and writing.  Eighth Grade English emphasizes analysis of conflict and character in literature, writing a 5 paragraph essay, and reading a full-length novel, as well as a "Christian Literature" novel. 

6th Grade Math - Instructor:  Mrs. S. Hodges - Sixth grade students study the Saxon Course 1 which focuses on mathematical thinking.  Skills, concepts, and problem-solving are bridged by consistent mathematic language.  Guided, embedded, and applied problem-solving are included in daily assignments.  In addition to Numbers and Operations, some skills that are covered are:  Order of Operations, Geometry, Algebraic Patterns, Proportions, Data Analysis and Probability, and Measurement.

7th Grade Math - Instructors:  Mr. S. Seymour, Mr. Sharp - This general math course sets a slower pace for the 7th grade student who is still mastering fractions and decimals.  This math course reinforces basic operations with fractions and decimals while teaching number relationships and applications. (Math 8/7)

8th Grade Pre-Algebra - Instructors:  Mrs. Wimer and Mr. M. Cox -  Beginning with a six-week review of arithmetic skills, this course quickly moves to an introduction to basic algebra skills:  signed numbers, percents, like terms, order of operations, equations and expressions.  This course also presents a strong intro into geometry with angles, triangles, perimeter, area and volume.  First level exercises in statistics, base 2, and unit multipliers is also included. (Saxon Algebra 1/2)

6th Grade Science - Instructors:  Mrs. Thrailkill, Mr. S. Seymour - This course of study uses a general science curriculum.  The course is designed to focus on development of the scientific method through student use of scientific strategies.  This process takes place within each unit of study with the students hypothesizing, researching, experimenting, observing, and inferring.  It concludes with students developing their own science project for a science fair.

7th Grade Life Science - Instructor:  Mrs. Thrailkill - This science class studies the basic topics of Biology: classification, phylum, order, and species, plants, animals, human anatomy.  Students participate in hands on activities including an insect collection and a frog dissection.  (Bob Jones/Life Science)

8th Grade Earth Science - Instructor: Mrs. Garmon - This 8th grade course studies composition of our physical world and the systems that govern it.  The science curriculum presents an engaging study of scientific philosophies and models, outer space meteorology, geology, and oceanography. (Bob Jones/Space and Earth Science).

6th Grade Heritage Studies - Instructor: Mrs. Knight - Heritage Studies 6 teaches students about the great rules of the past as well as the beliefs and accomplishments of previous civilizations. Students will learn about the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, Indian, China, Greece, Rome, the Mayans, Africa, Japan & China, the Byzantine and the Middle Ages. (Bob Jones/Heritage 6)

7th Grade World Studies - Instructor: Coach Hodge - This history class surveys studies the culture, geography  and history of people groups and cultures from the Dark Ages through the twentieth century.  This foundational history course uses projects, maps, and stories to prepare the student for history classes for the remainder of high school.  (Bob Jones/World Studies)

8th Grade American Republic - Instructor: Coach Price - This course unfolds the history of the United States through a richly detailed narrative and a colorful, engaging presentation. Starting with the discovery of the New World, students trace the path of American history up to the present day. Along with the historical account, the student is also challenged with the distinctiveness of American values and government, and  the importance of understanding and appreciating United States history.  (Bob Jones/American Republic)


Band A - Instructor:  Mr. Sharp  Band A is for 5th grade students who began their instrumental music studies last year as well as 6th and 7th grade students who wish to begin their instrumental music training this year.   You can contact Mr. Sharp at dsharp@ccsroyals.com for additional information.

Band B - Prerequisite - One year of band experience or obtain the approval of the Band Director. - Instructor:  Mr.  Sharp  Band B is for students who have completed at least 1 year of instrumental music studies. Students who play a band instrument but have not completed 1 year of study, should enroll in Band A.  You can contact Mr. Sharp at dsharp@ccsroyals.com for more information.

HS Band - 7th-12th Grade - Prerequisite - Two years of band experience or have the approval of the band director - Instructor:  Mr. Sharp  This is a full year commitment where students will learn through performance opportunities at football games, basketball games, and contests many different styles of music. They will also perform at the Christmas and Spring Concerts. The marching band will perform at all home football games during half-time. Please contact Mr. Sharp at dsharp@ccsroyals.com for more information.  Click here for Royal Pride Band Handbook.

Explore - For 6th and 7th grade students, this elective runs during 7th hour only.  Students will rotate through a variety of classes throughout the year.  Classes may include: music, drama, speech, creative writing, current events, art, agricultural education, and peer helpers. Open to all students. Those that choose not to participate in 7th hour sports will be enrolled in this 7th hour class.

6th and 7th Grade Discovering Life Skills - Instructor:  Mrs. Ruppel - In this elective, students will develop and strengthen important skills for living an independent life.  Throughout the year, many different basic concepts will be taught and put into real-world practice.  Some of the topics discussed will be career exploration, citizenship, cooking basics, finance, personal care, time management, and more.  This class is an excellent choice for all students to develop basic living skils needed for adult living.

6th and 7th Grade Literature Appreciation - Instructor:  Mrs. Neighbors - In this elective, students will read and explore several different genres of literature through novels.  Class time will be designated for reading, discussing, and building projects that demonstrate comprehension and knowledge of literary devices.  Some of the categories will be humor, historical fiction, mystery, satire, survival, and more.  This class is an excellent choice for those who already enjoy reading or those who want to learn to enjoy reading.

6th and 7th Grade Art - Instructor: Mrs. Paredes - Students will study design, color, dimension, and perspective in multiple mediums.  This class is open to all students.

6th and 7th Grade Spanish - Instructor:  Mrs. Merlo - Conversational Spanish is an introductory Spanish course which emphasizes listening comprehension and speaking.  Reading and writing Spanish may be assigned as a reinforcement to oral communication skills.  This class is open to all students.

Computer Applications - 8th-12th Grade - Instructors: Coach Price or Mrs. Lawler  This full-year class provides a review of proper keyboarding techniques by learning to type by touch.  Using Microsoft Office, students will become proficient in creating MLA reports, employment letters, resumes, PowerPoint presentations, and Excel worksheets.  This class is a prerequisite to Web Programming and Computer Science. This class is counted as a high school credit, even if taken in 8th grade, fulfilling one (1) of two computer class high school credits.

Middle School Sports (7th-8th Only):

Students are not required to participate in sports, however, seventh and eighth grade students who choose to participate in sports activities will receive information and schedules from their coaches.  Middle School Sports will practice during 7th hour.  Students are NOT REQUIRED to play a sport. Students may choose one activity for each season.  Sports activities are scheduled into three seasons:

Season 1 - August through November - includes Cross Country, Football, Fast-Pitch Softball, and Volleyball

Season 2 - November through February - Basketball and Boys Wrestling

Season 3 - February through May - includes Baseball, Golf, Soccer, and Slow-Pitch Softball

7th-8th Grade Archery is a full-year activity and practices will be held during 7th hour.  If you would like more information concerning the Archery program, please contact Coach Cheryl Blake at cblake@ccsroyals.com.