Teach to reason
Disciple to love
Main Campus
(405) 329-2500
3002 Broce Dr., Norman, OK 73072
Activity Center - Sports Complex
5300 North Interstate Drive
2 miles North of the Main Campus

Graduation Requirements


CCS strives to present a college preparatory curriculum for students who are serious about their education.  The following information is intended to be an overview of the courses offered and the graduation requirements for students that attend CCS.  CCS makes its program available to students of any race or religion, without discrimination.  The CCS education curriculum sequence presented here is intended to give each student and parent a long-range view of the CCS program.  Some changes will occur each year; parents and students will be notified accordingly.
Click here to review the High School Course Sequence.

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS:  CCS requires all students to complete the minimum State of Oklahoma graduation requirements pertaining to specific courses, as well as total accumulated credits.  Additional courses are added to fulfill the CCS requirements.
24 Credits are required for graduation. (All credits must be earned 9th - 12th grade) 

World History – 1 semester
U.S. History – 2 semesters
Oklahoma History – 1 semester
U.S. Government – 1 semester
Economics - includes Personal Financial Literacy – 1 semester
Geography – 1 semester
History of World Views – 2 semesters


REGARDING MATH:  High school students will follow one of three math tracks:


CHOOSING COURSES:  Course selection options will be opened online in the FACTS Family Portal and Family App for parents and students to make course selections for the following school year. 

All electives are subject to enrollment limits.  Classes are not necessarily filled on a first come-first served basis. Some classes will be offered to upper level students first.  An elective will be cancelled when a minimum number of students do not request that elective.  Electives such as band, drama, guitar, and yearbook are by application or approval of the instructor.  Elective choices may vary from year to year.

Valedictorian/Salutatorian:   Valedictorian must have taken three or more AP classes (only one AP art class will count), with a GPA of 4.10 or above.  Salutatorians must have taken at least two A classes (only one AP art class is allowed), with a GPA of 4.01 to 4.09.  Students must have enrolled in CCS before the 20th day of October of their junior year and have continuous attendance through graduation.  NOTE:  Students suspended for cheating in 10th-12th grade will NOT be considered for valedictorian/salutatorian.